Ranch & Coast Magazine

June 2024

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On the Fruit Loop: Hope Ranch Lavender provides a great view of Mount Hood destinations | transportation Detour and a couple of adult beverages, Richard and I plotted the best order to see the Portland Japanese Garden, Pittock Mansion, the famous International Rose Test Garden, Powell's Books, and Hoyt Arboretum. We arrived in the afternoon and by the time we checked in, it was too late to start ticking the boxes on my Portland must-see list. Instead, my husband and I made ourselves at home in one of e Dossier Hotel' classy shared spaces. Here, over a map Delicious Portland GO FOR THE SIGHTS AND STAY FOR THE BITES BY ELIZABETH HANSEN >> PHOTO COURTESY OF ADAMS HANSEN PHOTOGRAPHY @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE JUNE 2024 91

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