Ranch & Coast Magazine

July 2024

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"Employment is a key factor in ending one's homelessness, and Timmy's Place provides not only employment opportunities but also critical life skills and meaningful work experience to help a significant number of youth avoid homelessness and become self-sufficient," says Drew Moser, chief executive officer of e Lucky Duck Foundation, an important partner in the endeavor. Founded by Pat and Stephanie Kilkenny, the foundation's mission is to prevent and alleviate the suffering of homelessness in San Diego County. e couple matches donations up to $1.5 million per year. Timmy's Place is a collaboration between Lucky Duck, Union of Pan Asian Communities, Urban Street Angels, and the Rolf Benirschke Legacy Foundation. Rolf and ten others launched the Legacy Foundation Invitational Golf Tournament 24 years ago, which has since raised more than $9 million to support and fund dozens of organizations, with new beneficiaries named each year. (is year's invitational will be held at e Bridges Golf Club on Monday, September 30.) Two years ago, Legacy Foundation selected Lucky Duck as its beneficiary. Together the foundations came up with the idea of starting Timmy's Place pizzeria and print shop. "We were surprised and honored after they decided to name it after our son Timmy," says Mary. "Timmy is the first to say this isn't about him. But it is a place where kids like him can get a second chance, and he's proud to be an inspiration for them." eir son's struggles inspired the Benirschkes to reach out to other homeless or marginalized people to try to understand their challenges. Mary says the homeless community has become "a passionate calling" for her. She has developed special programs in private schools to help the public "understand the misunderstood" and founded "Be a Friend-Impact a Life," a step-by-step program adopted by Lucky Duck to train volunteers to positively impact the lives of the homeless through the power of friendship. "e mission is to see people, even those who live on the margins and in fringes of our lives, with dignity and respect, come alongside them in an uncommon yet powerful relationship, and encourage them to move forward to a life they desire," she explains. "We work with many different homeless service providers who implement the program within their organizations and help create supported friendships." Before the pandemic, the Benirschkes often visited an outdoor church in downtown San Diego, primarily attended by unhoused people. "We got to know the people over time and realized we have so much more in common than we are different," Mary reflects, "and fell in love with the resilient and caring spirit of the people who attended. We became friends with many of the attendees and found that as we listened and got to know their stories, they started to open up and trust us and let us into their world where we could help encourage them, direct them to services, help change their outlook on life, and provide a newfound hope they had lost. All of us wish to belong, to feel cared about, and to have purpose, and by being a friend to folks who have few if any friends, we felt we could make a difference, one friendship at a time." e Benirschkes' four children are doing well, including Timmy, who is supported by a loving church community and caring people in upstate New York. A t-shirt printed at Timmy's Place bears his quote: "ank you for believing in young people before they believe in themselves…just like me." To support Timmy's Place, dine at the pizzeria, book catering and printing projects, or donate under "Share Your Luck" at luckyduckfoundation.org. 858.259.6003, timmysplacesd.org, beafriendsd.org Timmy Benirschke @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE JULY 2024 53

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