Ranch & Coast Magazine

July 2024

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D EL MAR'S SUNI GARGARO IS ON A MISSION: teaching children about yoga not only for fitness but to help them "navigate life's challenges and deal with anxieties." Gargaro's Sunia Yoga and Sunia Yoga Kids apparel brands and her articles about yoga's benefits for children have been featured in Yoga Magazine in the United Kingdom as well as in U.S. national and local media. A certified yoga instructor, she teaches at San Diego's Yoga and Meditation Center and enrichment programs in the Del Mar Union School District. Her dream is to open her own yoga studio and bring a yoga curriculum to schools at both a local and national level. Born in Kerala in the southern part of India, Gargaro immigrated to Iowa with her parents, who wanted to provide the family with a better education and opportunities. After studies at Iowa State and the University of Illinois, Gargaro moved to Carmel Valley for a job opportunity in the tech industry for a wireless startup. But yoga is her calling, her "dharma," finding one's "true purpose in life" and spreading "as much light as possible." Her passion for teaching was inspired by her own son, now 14, who she introduced to yoga when he was just two. "As he was growing up, I noticed his way of thinking changing in subtle ways that I believe has very much to do with his exposure to yoga," she recalls. ose changes included making better choices with his peers, the belief that he could make his own destiny. "Yoga is not something you practice only on the mat," she says. "It impacts your wellbeing in ways that go beyond just physical health." Natalia Driban, the mother of 11-year-old Arielle, one of Gargaro's students, notes that her daughter is more flexible and stronger, but also, more confident. "She looks forward to her classes," says Driban. "We are very pleased that she has found something she loves." Gargaro says empathy and compassion are other benefits. "I see my students supporting each other and lifting others around them, and it's beautiful to see kids, tweens, teens responding this way. Yoga also helps them with focus, concentration, and cultivating calmness of mind, which truly supports making intelligent decisions." Yoga teaches children how to center themselves, take control of their minds and bodies, and to think in terms of the present rather than the past, says Gargaro. "is is an incredible skill set for battling anxiety, because almost all anxiety stems from thinking that is rooted in the past — regret, embarrassment, or anything that had a perceived negative outcome — or the future (anticipation of a challenging event like a test, or for athletes, pre-game anxiety). Gargaro notes that yoga is not a competitive sport but rather "a path towards physical and spiritual wellbeing one that is all about supporting the individual." It's not about becoming faster, stronger, or better than others, "she insists. "It's about consistency, discipline, and growth. You are not competing with others. You reach your potential once you have taken the steps that you are ready to take." 858.859.3301, suniayoga.com @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE JULY 2024 57

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