Ranch & Coast Magazine

July 2024

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Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner offers a smooth ride, gracious service, and a wonderful view all the way up the coast destinations Detour a ticket, and boarded the sleek Amtrak Pacific Surfliner at San Diego's Santa Fe Station. An attendant carried my bag up a flight of stairs to the business class section and I collapsed into a cozy window seat with lots of leg room and a great view. For all the years I've lived in San Diego, I've thought about taking the train to L.A., but somehow it never happened. It seemed easier to drive, but in reality, there's nothing easy about dealing with traffic on I-5 and nothing fun about paying for parking. I finally made a date with myself, bought Getting Into Training AND EXPLORING FAMILY-FRIENDLY DTLA BY ELIZABETH HANSEN >> PHOTO COURTESY OF AMTRAK PACIFIC SURFLINER @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE JULY 2024 91

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