Ranch & Coast Magazine

December 2024

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Page 136 of 147

An Evening of Changing Lives Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego's annual event, An Evening of Changing Lives, raised over $1.2 million net to support youth programs throughout the San Diego area. e evening featured a special VIP ceremony to honor Tom Hazard with the Todd Gutschow Lifetime Leadership Award. Attendees enjoyed a cocktail reception with a silent auction, followed by dinner with Master of Ceremonies Carlo Cecchetto, a live auction with auctioneer Zack Krone, and a musical performance by Spirit of Earth, Wind & Fire. Funds raised will directly impact the youth of San Diego by expanding access to life-changing programs, enhancing academic and social-emotional support, and providing more opportunities for character and leadership development. PHOTOGRAPHY BY KRISTINA YAMAMOTO, STACEY KECK PHOTO Nick Nicholas, Francesca Po, Andreas Hasson, and Maria Jansson Johnny Vlahakis, Billy Gene Shaw III, Katia Ayoub, Daniel and Judy Flores, and Kimberly Jenks JJ and Amy Sellner, Joanne and Bob Sellner, Becca Sellner, Nathan Dixon, and Rachel and Jason Patel Niko Ramirez-Pagan, Michelle and William Ramirez, and Jennifer and Curtis Cotton James Oliver, Margaret Moir, Daniel Weber, Tom Hazard, Trudy Bronner, Bruce Dunn, and Mark Baker Kacie Molzahn and Drew Lewandowski Justin and Kylie Claire, Alexa and Casey Totten, Carina Freedman, and Giuseppe Turco Chris and Michele Burt with Janet and Tony Colucci Mia and David Bronner @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2024 137

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