Ranch & Coast Magazine

December 2024

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Page 54 of 147

through our incubator space and our business accelerator for food makers, then going right into our food hall to have a safe space to really launch their product or their business and try it out? It's all about connections, and connecting consumers to where their food really comes from." "We need to take back control of the food supply chain for our own benefit," continues Samuelson, citing recent studies that show that organic, regenerative food is up to eight times more nutritionally dense than what he calls "big factory farm food." Still in its nascency, Samuelson estimates his plans to come to fruition in roughly two years. "I want to test this idea of this market out in Escondido and this farm store at our farm," he says, "and use those as a template to take those kinds of businesses into the communities that really need them." healtheearth.info a farmers market, but without the inconvenience of limited availability for a few hours one day a week. He plans for the space to also house an agricultural technology accelerator to share innovations to help modernize farmers' operations, as well as an incubator kitchen to launch new food business. "I long believed that that the American dream was a good job and a paycheck, and I don't feel that way anymore," says Samuelson. "I think that's a starting point. I think that real independence is owning your own business. Being the master of your own economic destiny is the key to success." Also under the roof, Samuelson plans to have a value-added processing facility, offering farmers another income source by enabling them to extend the shelf life of harvests with preserved goods — which also reduces the amount of produce that might otherwise go to waste. Finally, says Samuelson, "I'd love to have a food hall, because imagine someone going >> @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2024 55 Chuck Samuelson references his "Four A's" in envisioning a healthy food system that is accessible, affordable, appropriate for all cultures and communities, and awesome — "the kind of food you'd be proud to serve to your mother, your kids."

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