Ranch & Coast Magazine

December 2024

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G I V I N G G U I D E Promises2Kids Promises2Kids is dedicated to creating a brighter future for foster children® in San Diego County. From the moment they come into foster care and through to adulthood, Promises2Kids provides the hope, support, and opportunities these individuals need to change their lives for the better… now and for years to come. Programs include Camp Connect, Guardian Scholars, Foster Funds, Children's Mentoring, and Foster Futures. Promises2Kids was named Ranch & Coast's Best of 2023 Local Nonprofit of the Year. As a 100% philanthropy funded organization, Promises2Kids relies on the community's support. The generosity from supporters will show foster youth that they are cared for, loved, and not alone. Promises2Kids Programs: • CAMP CONNECT reunites brothers and sisters who are separated in foster care through a six-day residential summer camp and 10 additional day events throughout the year • GUARDIAN SCHOLARS supports foster youth with mentoring, case management, and a financial scholarship to pursue their educational and career dreams • FOSTER FUNDS provides financial support to foster youth for sports, music classes, class photos, college application fees, tutoring, and more • CHILDREN'S MENTORING matches children 5 and up with mentors who will listen, support, and guide them as they navigate childhood • FOSTER FUTURES provides foster youth with financial support and wraparound services to prevent homelessness 9400 Ruffin Court, Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 858.278.4400 Promises2Kids.org info@Promises2Kids.org Follow @Promises2Kids on social media ranchandcoast.com 78 DECEMBER 2024 RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE

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