Ranch & Coast Magazine

December 2024

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Page 78 of 147

G I V I N G G U I D E 3020 Children's Way San Diego, CA 92123 858.576.1700 rchsd.org Rady Children's As Rady Children's celebrates 70 years of growing up alongside San Diego, the hospital is reminded that none of this progress would have been possible without the support of our community. From the very beginning, your generosity has fueled Rady Children's ability to innovate and expand, ensuring that every child receives the best care possible. They've been here for seven decades, and with your continued support, they'll be here for many more. The hospital's generous donors have been critically important to its success over the past 70 years. Thank you for being a part of their journey. Please continue to stand with them for the future of kids in our community. • In 1954 Rady Children's began as a small, one-story building constructed in a Kearny Mesa pasture. It had just 58 beds and 13 patients on the first day of operation • As more families moved to the area, Rady Children's expanded its services to meet the needs of the community, today providing care to more than 270,000 children every year • Together, we can shape the future of pediatric care and continue to provide hope and healing for the children who need it most @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2024 79

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