Ranch & Coast Magazine

Charitable Giving Guide 2024

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ranchandcoast.com 16 DECEMBER 2024 RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE G I V I N G G U I D E Mail donations to: PO Box 501910 San Diego, CA 92150-1910 858.452.3663 info@feedingsandiego.org Feeding San Diego @feedingsandiego Feeding San Diego Feeding San Diego is on a mission to connect every person facing hunger with nutritious meals by maximizing food rescue. Hunger can affect anyone. It could be your neighbor, seniors on a fixed income, or a military family. With the high cost of living in San Diego, there are more than 350,000 people experiencing food insecurity throughout the county. Established in 2007, Feeding San Diego rescues surplus food from local and national food donors before it goes to the landfill and gets it to people in need of nutritious meals. Your support helps people bring food home to their families this holiday season and all year long. Every $1 donated helps provide two meals. Give online at feedingsandiego.org. Feeding San Diego is the only Feeding America partner food bank in the region working to: • Increase parents' and kids' access to nutritious food for nights and weekends by expanding the School Pantry Program • Improve access to nutritious food in partnership with a network of hundreds of charities, schools, colleges, faith communities, healthcare providers, and meal sites • Support people experiencing food insecurity, including children, families, seniors, college students, military families, and veterans, with dignity • Improve the health of the community by providing fresh produce at all food distributions • Partner with nonprofits serving the military community to provide food on military bases • Unite the community by providing a wide variety of volunteer experiences for all ages

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