Ranch & Coast Magazine

Charitable Giving Guide 2024

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ranchandcoast.com 44 DECEMBER 2024 RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE G I V I N G G U I D E San Diego Animal Sanctuary & Farm (formerly Children's Nature Retreat) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization located on 20 acres in Alpine. It's home to more than 200 domesticated livestock and exotic animals; most were pets who lost their homes due to their previous owners' illness, death, or financial difficulties, while some were rescued from harsh living conditions. 5178 Japatul Spur Alpine, CA 91901 | 619.320.4942 info@childrensnatureretreat.org sanctuaryandfarm.org • 35 different species of animals and 83 distinct breeds, from bison, camels, and zebras to a mélange of farm animals • New biologically grown garden with produce available for purchase • Special experiences: private Up-Close & Personal Experience, Behind the Scenes/ Guided Tours, and Off-Site Presentations • Variety of Memberships from a Day Pass to an Annual San Diego Animal Sanctuary & Farm San Diego Automotive Museum The San Diego Automotive Museum welcomes car and motorcycle enthusiasts from around the globe; its mission is to preserve automotive history and engage the community through diverse exhibits and educational programming. SDAM continues to expand its positive impact through the IGNITE (Inspire-Guide-Network- Internship-Train-Educate) Academy that empowers underserved youth to pursue fulfilling careers in the automotive industry. 2080 Pan American Plaza San Diego, CA 92101 619.231.2886 sdautomuseum.org • A world-class automotive experience through a comprehensive collection of vehicles • IGNITE Academy provides students with hands-on experience and mentorship in the automotive industry

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