Ranch & Coast Magazine

February 2025

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health | philanthropy | family | pets Focus care unit, Owen finally came home. However, a common cold shortly thereafter that would mean sniffles for most babies was life-threatening for Owen's still underdeveloped lungs, and baby Owen, Nick, and Dar found themselves in the most unimaginable of circumstances, but in the best possible hands: the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at Rady Children's Hospital – San Diego. As any parent knows, the learning curve with a firstborn child can often feel pretty vertical. But for Nick and Darlene (Dar) Abrams, the birth of their son, Owen, in the 25th week of Dar's pregnancy — around the very earliest gestational age that an infant is medically deemed potentially able to survive out of the womb — presented challenges they could never have prepared for. After five months in a neonatal intensive Critical Futures AN ENCINITAS FAMILY SHARES THE IMPACT OF RADY CHILDREN'S PICU BY DEANNA MURPHY | PHOTO BY VINCENT KNAKAL >> Darlene and Nick Abrams (left) and their children, Owen and Penny, with Charity Ball chair Micki Olin and husband Reid Abrams @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 2025 37

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