Ranch & Coast Magazine

February 2025

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Leveling the Playing Field A guide to unleashing potential at any age L et the Music In" is the title of the first chapter of Rancho Santa Fe resident Dr. Louise Stanger's new book, Reflections on Aging from the Sunset Marquis, in which the renowned mental health expert and interventionist, now 78, highlights what she calls the concert of connection and the neurological nightclub. "Music has tremendous power. Transformative power. We know that when we're young," says Stanger. " at power is still there, and when you're older, music is a wonderful way to stir up memories and make new connections." e second chapter of Stanger's book, her fourth, is titled "Be Active," and not surpris- ingly one of the actions she suggests is to dance like no one is watching. "It's great exercise and a great mood booster," says Stanger, who also suggests making play- lists of songs. " ey can be based on any- thing — nostalgia, a desire for reconnection. Even for people with Alzheimer's, the mem- ory for music remains relatively unchanged." Stanger, who holds a master's degree in social work and a doc- torate in education, is an award-winning addiction specialist, recognized as one of the premier interventionists in the world, and it was her own family's struggle with addiction that helped to inspire her work. She is also well-acquainted with trauma, having experienced the sudden deaths of six family members, including her father by suicide, her third child from SIDS, and her first husband by heart attack, leaving her with three young daughters to raise. Life can be hard and "you have to allow your- self to mourn and grieve your losses," she says, whether it is the loss of a loved one or the loss of physical abilities as we get older. "It's important to deal with the tough stuff," says Stanger, who in the third chapter of her book, titled "Reflect," stresses the power of reflection and gratitude. "You have to acknowledge those losses to move on. Otherwise, you end up heading down 'Pity Path' or 'Resentment Road.'" Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Stanger arrived in San Diego at age 20. Prior to moving to the Ranch, she lived for more than two decades in Bird Rock and before that, another two-plus decades in Cardiff. But she also spent a few years in West Los Angeles, during which time she could often be found at the Sunset Marquis, the hotel famous for hosting music legends from Elton John and Bob Marley to Blondie and e Clash. "It's a hidden gem," says Stanger. "If I ever get so old they have to put me someplace, I joke that's where I want to go." Stanger is friends with Cheryl Fox, the acclaimed photographer of entertainers and sports figures including Rihanna and Floyd Mayweather. "I just wanted a new picture for my website, but we spent most of the day at the Marquis, using the hotel as a backdrop. It was after that that I wrote down, 'Let the music in, be active, reflect,' which became the inspiration for the book," she remembers. e aim of Reflections on Aging from the Sunset Marquis is to encourage people, whatever their age, to be the best possible version of themselves, which involves both grace and spirit. A meditation on aging, adventure, and authenticity, the book is presented as a conversation with a trusted friend. Life does not dim with time — it deepens. Aging has everything to do with music, from songs of endless youth to ballads of wisdom. "You have to be willing to improvise when the key changes," Stanger says. She also knows from her work with addiction that recovery happens with connection, and she always asks a person what kind of music they like. "Music opens people to talking," says Stanger, who will present a book signing at Boulevard in La Jolla on February 21 from 5 to 8pm. She'll also speak on addiction and recovery at Oxford University later this year. allaboutinterventions.com Focus health Dr. Louise Stanger ranchandcoast.com 40 FEBRUARY 2025 RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE BY BILL ABRAMS | PHOTO BY CHERYL FOX

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