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from this year's event will benefit the hospital's Behavioral Health Initiatives, providing a range of services for emotional and mental well-being to address the growing need for comprehensive pediatric mental healthcare. e Eating Disorders and Medical Behavioral Unit is the only pediatric inpatient unit in San Diego with programs to treat children, adolescents, and young adults, providing care for those with acute medical/behavioral emergencies such as suicide attempts and severe depression as well as behavioral health issues including anxiety and eating disorders., (Front/center, L-R): RCHA-Del Mar Unit President Susan Darnall and Hats Off co-chairs Marina Tsvyk and Leticia Smith with the event committee at TRE Boutique at Flower Hill Promenade PHOTO BY VINCENT KNAKAL benefits | leisure | culture Attend Hats Off to Children MAY 19 | DOLCE e Del Mar Unit of Rady Children's Hospital Auxiliary presents Hats Off to Children, a luncheon and fashion show at Dolce in Rancho Santa Fe from 11am-2 pm. Unit President Susan Darnall says the event, celebrating RCHA-Del Mar's 70th anniversary, will feature designer hats and fashions from TRE Boutique for Opening Day at Del Mar, as well as an auction and opportunity drawing. Leticia Smith and Marina Tsvyk co-chair the event, co-founded 20 years ago by Andrea Naversen, Karen Powell, and Suzy Westphal to raise funds and awareness for programs that help sick and injured children in our community. Proceeds @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE APRIL 2023 29