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and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Featured guest speaker is Rear Admiral Michael Giorgione, CEC, USN (Retired), Founder and President of Leading Leaders LLC and Chief Executive Officer of LeanFM Technologies, Inc. Emcee is Emmy award-winning jour- nalist Jared Aarons of ABC 10News. allserviceacademiesballsd@, COURTESY PHOTO benefits | culture Attend All Service Academies Ball San Diego DECEMBER 27 | SAN DIEGO AIR & SPACE MUSEUM Hosted by the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association San Diego Chapter and e Naval Academy Parent Club San Diego, the inaugural All Service Academies Ball will connect and honor the midshipmen, cadets, families, alumni, and supporters of the five service academies: the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2023 35