Ranch & Coast Magazine

November 2022

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PHOTO BY VINCENT KNAKAL military | family | pets Focus entirety of President eodore Roosevelt's Great White Fleet, anchored offshore on its round-the-world tour. During World War II, Mt. Soledad was an observation point with a radio transmission tower used to monitor for Japanese ships and broadcast Easter services to the troops here and abroad. Offering spectacular panoramic views stretching from the horizon in the west to the mountains in the east, Mt. Soledad, the highest point on the San Diego coastline, is inextricably intertwined with the history of both San Diego and the U.S. military. In 1908, Mt. Soledad was the one place from which San Diegans could view the The Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial RECOGNIZING OUR MILITARY HEROES NOW AND IN THE FUTURE Neil O'Connell, Executive Director, Mt. Soledad Memorial Association >> ranchandcoast.com @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2022 41

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