Ranch & Coast Magazine

September 2024

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Ken and Katie Shull with Valishia and Dan Chapman Isacc Keets, Debra Carruthers, Naomi Keets, and William Keet Kim and Jeff Wetzel Jim Kidrick, Buzz Aldrin, and Gerry Griffith Mike and Karen Turk, Gerry Griffith, and Cookie and Tom Sudberry Garrett Neal, Jacque Muehlmann, and Myles and Deena Cooper Joanne Medals and James Ward Runaway June Carol and Mike Arms with Ruth Parnell Dare DeLano, Steve Adler, and Sarah Sleeper Tim and Susan Daley Margie and Mike Zill Fly Me to the Moon Fly Me to the Moon: An Evening with Legends, Honoring Apollo 11 and Buzz Aldrin, was the only in-person celebration in the world marking the 55th anniversary of mankind's historic first moon landing. "e Apollo 11 Moon landing on July 20, 1969 marked one of the truly historic moments in mankind's ongoing exploration of not only Planet Earth but also of our universe," said Jim Kidrick, President and CEO of the San Diego Air & Space Museum. "Being able to hear in-person from the American legends who were there — original Moonwalker Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 16 Moonwalker and Apollo 11 CAPCOM Charlie Duke, and Legacy Apollo Flight Director Gerry Griffin — [was] an amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." PHOTOGRAPHY BY JENNIFER NELSON Seen Boots & Bling Helen Woodward Animal Center's 36th annual Spring Fling Gala welcomed supporters out to the dance floor for "Boots & Bling," featuring a special performance by Nashville-based artists Runaway June. Headed by committee co-chairs Jamie Carr and Maytha Shaffer, event guests enjoyed a taste of country with Americana-inspired cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and a dinner of classic and innovative dishes. Attendees had the opportunity to mingle with four-legged VIPs while browsing the silent auction, and a bustling live auction included exclusive items and getaways. VIP tickets included a special meet & greet with the musicians. PHOTOGRAPHY BY JENNIFER NELSON ranchandcoast.com 110 SEPTEMBER 2024 RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE

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