Ranch & Coast Magazine

September 2024

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Chris Kozo and Katherine Emmert-Kozo, John and Jill Peters, and Avelina and Eric Kauffman Nicole Hall Gordan and Scott Gordan Jeff and Jodi Mastro with Kristen and Oliver Badgio Rick Wildman and Cassandra Wong Colleen Noonan, Bree Muehl, Jewels Lawrence, Claudia Gupta, and Amelia McNamara Guy Clark, Harry and Valerie Cooper, and Harrison Morgan Janice Jaraicie with Bertrand and Denise Hug Bryan and Julie Garrie with Rowena and Marc Treitler Delorine and Bob Jackson Barbara Kjos and Ingrid Hibben 78th Annual Jewel Ball Las Patronas held its 78th Annual Jewel Ball at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. Since 1946, guests have attended the Jewel Ball for an unforgettable evening with beautiful décor, delicious food, and dancing under the stars. Jewel Ball Chair Jill Peters, Co-Chairs Katherine Kozo and Avelina Kauffman, and President Julie Garrie greeted guests as they stepped into Morocco's most iconic city, Marrakesh. As guests dined on delicious cuisine under a canopy of stars, the music of Wayne Foster Entertainment provided energy and excitement, setting the tone for the rest of the evening. Proceeds from this year's Jewel Ball, "Meet Me in Marrakesh," will fund critically needed capital items for six nonprofit major beneficiaries, each receiving more than $40,000, as well as an estimated 45 to 50 additional minor beneficiaries, each receiving up to $20,000. PHOTOGRAPHY BY BOB STEFANKO Roger Joseph and Tamara Lafarga-Joseph @ranchandcoast RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2024 107

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